Mattress Care

Mattress care
Once your mattress is delivered, make sure you let it air for at least four hours. This will remove any storage smells of damp or cold. Ideally, the mattress should then be aired weekly by removing the bed linen. Remember to turn your mattress regularly too. This will stop dips forming and your weight altering part of the mattress, causing uneven sleeping.
Having a mattress protector will also help keep your mattress clean, prolonging its life. This is a sheet that goes on before your bed linen (and mattress topper) to protect your mattress from any stains or dirt.
You should aim to replace your mattresses every 8 to 10 years though. This is not only for hygiene reasons but because it will soften over time, reducing the support it gives you. If you feel sore when you wake up or you find you sleep better in other beds, it’s time for a change.
- Sleep House
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